Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Slight problem with splay

Ok first, sorry I havn't been posting on my blog for a while, it got flagged as spam and they locked it, and then took about three weeks to unlock it. I've made a lot of progress on the Ed rig for Polished off, and finished it yesterday. I've been updating on the Polished Off group blog while mine was locked, but I'll post up a rough summary of how it went in a minuit.
First though, as I've moved on to finishing the Splay rig now, I should probably post up the most immediate problem that needs sorting out. For the bendy legs, I figured the easiest way to do it was to give up on the deformers and the complications and just make a load of skin clusters on the leg itself, and attatch them to some locators. I don't see why it wouldn't work, and it shouldn't have taken any time at all to test- but this is the problem:

As you can see, any attempt to select individual components on the leg results in selecting every component on the leg. Vertices, edges, faces- they all just select the whole leg. When I tried selecting vertices on the body, it did the same kind of thing, but it seems to have a droppoff rate as only about half the body moves. Now this looks good for the body, in fact I'll probably use it, but on the legs it's a problem. Does anyone know why it's doing this? You can see in the second part of the video, I've tried the same thing on a pure model with no rigging, deformers, or complications and it does the same thing, so it must be modelling or texturing related. Or it could just be really simple, like some setting I don't know about. Any advice on this would be amazing.

Other than that, splays not going to take much more time at all.


  1. Haha good stuff, firstly: this is definitely in some way Grigsbys' fault. Secondly: I seem to remember a few people encountering this problem and I don't think it's serious. Thirdly: I don't know how to solve it.

    It does look awesome on the body though, I'll give Edgley a ring.

    P.s what is your e-mail you use for blogger? and I'll add you

  2. Ok firstly, Dave its really good to know your in a working mood lately! It fills me with confidence that your gonna bash these rigs out when I see regular updates like this. As for your problem I have a feeling it may be something to do with the soft selection option? If you go to your selection tool settings in the top right hand corner and reset to default or uncheck soft selection I think ti may work. If not try resetting your maya preferences. It's nothing to do with the model or texturing. Hope this helps x
